Emmelien De Roock
After graduating magna cum laude as a Business Engineer in 2020, Emmelien started her PhD at the Data Analytics Lab. She is a teaching assistant for the courses ‘Research Methods for Business’ and ‘Bachelor Paper’ at the VUB. In addition, she is also part of the Research Group Business Informatics (BINF) of UHasselt.
Emmelien is researching ‘Process Mining in Healthcare’. Process mining is a relatively new domain, aimed at the development of innovative methods to collect insights from data from information systems that describe, in this research, care pathways. The two main research objectives of her PhD are 1) to develop a new method to systematically map information needs regarding care processes among healthcare professionals and 2) to develop new visualization techniques to convey process mining results to healthcare professionals in an insightful way.
The promotors of her joint PhD are prof. dr. Filip Van Droogenbroeck (VUB) and prof. dr. Niels Martin (UHasselt).
Keywords: Process Mining, Process Analytics, Healthcare Processes
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